Armchair Jerry
Armchair Jerry
Armchair Jerry is the result of the work of our creative designers. Unusual design, comfortable and at the same time simple armchair which leaves no one indifferent. The backrest and seat are two complementary rounded forms. The combination of the armchair and ottoman Jerry will beautify your, both living and business space.
Product code: P00236Shipping and Payment
498,92 £
Armchair Jerry is the result of the work of our creative designers. Unusual design, comfortable and at the same time simple armchair which leaves no one indifferent. The backrest and seat are two complementary rounded forms. The combination of the armchair and ottoman Jerry will beautify your, both living and business space.
Product code: P00236Shipping and Payment
Basic information
ATLAS nabízí širokou škálu kolekcí sedacího nábytku, který vzniká ve spolupráci s vlastním týmem designérů spolu s italskými a francouzskými odborníky. Každý produkt je pečlivě tvarován šikovnýma rukama řemeslníků, kteří věnují pozornost každému detailu.