Chair Sonata
Chair Sonata
The combination of wooden construction and curved, upholstered panels gives the Sonata an unusual look. It fits perfectly into modern but also retro inspired environments, as it captivates with its light look. Wide seat as well as unusual armrests ensure high comfort.
Product code: P00292Shipping and Payment
608,54 £
The combination of wooden construction and curved, upholstered panels gives the Sonata an unusual look. It fits perfectly into modern but also retro inspired environments, as it captivates with its light look. Wide seat as well as unusual armrests ensure high comfort.
Product code: P00292Shipping and Payment
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ATLAS nabízí širokou škálu kolekcí sedacího nábytku, který vzniká ve spolupráci s vlastním týmem designérů spolu s italskými a francouzskými odborníky. Každý produkt je pečlivě tvarován šikovnýma rukama řemeslníků, kteří věnují pozornost každému detailu.