Coffee table Moove
Coffee table Moove
Coffee table from Moove collection. This “puzzle” represents a modular system which can be used as a sofa, an armchair or a table. The deepened platform makes the base onto which the elements are placed. Each piece can function independently, which is why it can be excellently adapted to any type of space, particularly offices.
Product code: P00159Shipping and Payment
450,82 £
Coffee table from Moove collection. This “puzzle” represents a modular system which can be used as a sofa, an armchair or a table. The deepened platform makes the base onto which the elements are placed. Each piece can function independently, which is why it can be excellently adapted to any type of space, particularly offices.
Product code: P00159Shipping and Payment
Basic information
EXTRAFORM vyrábí moderní a vyvážený čalouněný nábytek nevšedního designu. Všechny kusy nábytku jsou mimořádně pohodlné, pevné a funkční. Atraktivní a vzrušující tvary snadno získají jedinečný rys a nabízejí neomezené možnosti, pokud jde o dokonalé zakomponování do interiéru.