Dining table Tesa
Dining table Tesa
This beautifully shaped, rounded Artisan table will convince you with its refined and smooth lines. The table top is supported by a combination of wood and stainless steel, which is a real design classic. This table is available in different types of wood: European or American walnut, oak, cherry, elm, ash, or maple. This beautiful and unique piece of furniture was conceived and designed by designer Salih Teskeredžić. This table cannot be dismantled. On request, it is possible to purchase a board to extend the table by 55 cm, there is a choice of two materials; solid wood or MDF board (in black).
Special dimensions are also available on request.
Product code: P00121Shipping and Payment
2 161 £
This beautifully shaped, rounded Artisan table will convince you with its refined and smooth lines. The table top is supported by a combination of wood and stainless steel, which is a real design classic. This table is available in different types of wood: European or American walnut, oak, cherry, elm, ash, or maple. This beautiful and unique piece of furniture was conceived and designed by designer Salih Teskeredžić. This table cannot be dismantled. On request, it is possible to purchase a board to extend the table by 55 cm, there is a choice of two materials; solid wood or MDF board (in black).
Special dimensions are also available on request.
Product code: P00121Shipping and Payment
Basic information
Design by Salih Teskeredžić
Salih Teskeredžić je mezinárodně uznávaný bosenský designér s kancelářemi ve Vídni a Sarajevu. Jeho designy byly úspěšně vyrobeny v mnoha evropských zemích. Vystavoval na všech významných evropských veletrzích a pořádal samostatné výstavy ve Vídni a Sarajevu. Za svou práci získal domácí i mezinárodní ocenění.
ARTISAN se specializuje na ruční výrobu vysoce kvalitního nábytku z masivního dřeva a tento důraz na ruční, řemeslnou práci je to, co ji odlišuje. Díky spolupráci s věhlasnými designéry jsou dnes produkty ARTISAN ozdobou luxusních interiérů po celém světě.