Rocking chair Tesa
Rocking chair Tesa

The solid wood Artisan Tesa rocking chair was designed by Salih Teskeredžić. The curved undercarriage, which turns it into a rocking chair, is unusual. This model combines high quality with natural aesthetics. The backrest is artistically processed and exudes a special elegance. The chair will convince you with its design, the dominant feature of this model is a very comfortable seat. It is available in several designs: wooden wicker, fabric cushion, leather cushion, leather cover and fabric cover. The model cannot be dismantled and is produced in different wooden designs: European or American walnut, oak, cherry, elm, ash and maple.
Product code: ART_TESA-dub natur olej-Z9018Shipping and Payment
Standard price 754 £. Save 30% (226,20 £) 527,80 £

The solid wood Artisan Tesa rocking chair was designed by Salih Teskeredžić. The curved undercarriage, which turns it into a rocking chair, is unusual. This model combines high quality with natural aesthetics. The backrest is artistically processed and exudes a special elegance. The chair will convince you with its design, the dominant feature of this model is a very comfortable seat. It is available in several designs: wooden wicker, fabric cushion, leather cushion, leather cover and fabric cover. The model cannot be dismantled and is produced in different wooden designs: European or American walnut, oak, cherry, elm, ash and maple.
Product code: ART_TESA-dub natur olej-Z9018Shipping and Payment
Basic information
Design by Salih Teskeredžić
Salih Teskeredžić je mezinárodně uznávaný bosenský designér s kancelářemi ve Vídni a Sarajevu. Jeho designy byly úspěšně vyrobeny v mnoha evropských zemích. Vystavoval na všech významných evropských veletrzích a pořádal samostatné výstavy ve Vídni a Sarajevu. Za svou práci získal domácí i mezinárodní ocenění.
ARTISAN se specializuje na ruční výrobu vysoce kvalitního nábytku z masivního dřeva a tento důraz na ruční, řemeslnou práci je to, co ji odlišuje. Díky spolupráci s věhlasnými designéry jsou dnes produkty ARTISAN ozdobou luxusních interiérů po celém světě.
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