Side table Blend


The Blend side table made of solid wood is available in different types of wood: European or American walnut, oak, cherry, elm, ash and maple. The table will convince you with its natural aesthetics and soft, pleasant-to-the-touch shapes, and it also has storage space. It is also available as a rectangular or square coffee table. This model was conceived and designed by Mirko Miličić. The table is only available in one size and cannot be dismantled.

Product code: P00031Shipping and Payment

739,11 £

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Delivery time: 12 - 14 weeks
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The Blend side table made of solid wood is available in different types of wood: European or American walnut, oak, cherry, elm, ash and maple. The table will convince you with its natural aesthetics and soft, pleasant-to-the-touch shapes, and it also has storage space. It is also available as a rectangular or square coffee table. This model was conceived and designed by Mirko Miličić. The table is only available in one size and cannot be dismantled.

Product code: P00031Shipping and Payment

Basic information

Mirko Miličić
Country of origin
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Delivery time
18–22 weeks
24 months


45 cm
45 cm
55 cm



Design by Mirko Miličić

Mirko Miličić se narodil v Záhřebu, kde vystudoval design na Fakultě architektury a získal titul Master of Arts in Design. Jeho tvorba se vyznačuje jednoduchými a jasnými liniemi, jimiž dosahuje silných a inovativních řešení založených na metodických postupech. Doposud pracoval v oblasti produktového designu, interiérového designu, designu nábytku, webdesignu, ilustrací, grafiky a grafických animací. Vystavoval na různých výstavách v oblasti designu nábytku, malby a ilustrace.

ARTISAN se specializuje na ruční výrobu vysoce kvalitního nábytku z masivního dřeva a tento důraz na ruční, řemeslnou práci je to, co ji odlišuje. Díky spolupráci s věhlasnými designéry jsou dnes produkty ARTISAN ozdobou luxusních interiérů po celém světě.

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