Sideboard Latus
Sideboard Latus
The Latus sideboard by Artisan was designed by the internationally renowned designer Salih Teskeredžić. A true masterpiece of design art. The organic shapes and unique design create an effect as if the dresser stands only on the front legs and floats at the back. A seemingly fragile chest of drawers is a very pleasant piece of furniture in a modern style. Doors and drawers do not need handles, they open automatically with light pressure. Compartments with doors are equipped with an additional shelf. The wooden surface is treated with natural oils. Latus is available in different types of wood: European or American walnut, oak, cherry, elm, ash and maple.
Product code: P00306Shipping and Payment
3 105,20 £
The Latus sideboard by Artisan was designed by the internationally renowned designer Salih Teskeredžić. A true masterpiece of design art. The organic shapes and unique design create an effect as if the dresser stands only on the front legs and floats at the back. A seemingly fragile chest of drawers is a very pleasant piece of furniture in a modern style. Doors and drawers do not need handles, they open automatically with light pressure. Compartments with doors are equipped with an additional shelf. The wooden surface is treated with natural oils. Latus is available in different types of wood: European or American walnut, oak, cherry, elm, ash and maple.
Product code: P00306Shipping and Payment
Basic information
Design by Salih Teskeredžić
Salih Teskeredžić je mezinárodně uznávaný bosenský designér s kancelářemi ve Vídni a Sarajevu. Jeho designy byly úspěšně vyrobeny v mnoha evropských zemích. Vystavoval na všech významných evropských veletrzích a pořádal samostatné výstavy ve Vídni a Sarajevu. Za svou práci získal domácí i mezinárodní ocenění.
ARTISAN se specializuje na ruční výrobu vysoce kvalitního nábytku z masivního dřeva a tento důraz na ruční, řemeslnou práci je to, co ji odlišuje. Díky spolupráci s věhlasnými designéry jsou dnes produkty ARTISAN ozdobou luxusních interiérů po celém světě.