Tabouret Classic Lux
Tabouret Classic Lux
Classic lux ottoman is designed to complement the sofa of the same name, but is often used separately as a single piece of furniture. It can give your living room or bedroom or even office space a touch of elegance and luxury, especially when crafted in one of the high quality Italian leathers from our wide offer.
Product code: P00316Shipping and Payment
881,02 £
Classic lux ottoman is designed to complement the sofa of the same name, but is often used separately as a single piece of furniture. It can give your living room or bedroom or even office space a touch of elegance and luxury, especially when crafted in one of the high quality Italian leathers from our wide offer.
Product code: P00316Shipping and Payment
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ATLAS nabízí širokou škálu kolekcí sedacího nábytku, který vzniká ve spolupráci s vlastním týmem designérů spolu s italskými a francouzskými odborníky. Každý produkt je pečlivě tvarován šikovnýma rukama řemeslníků, kteří věnují pozornost každému detailu.