Tabouret Cubo
Tabouret Cubo
This model fits easily in differently designed spaces thanks to its main charasteristics, simplicity and straight lines. You can decorate the Cubo pouf with buttons covered in the same material as the pouf. The cubic shape and harmonious dimensions make this article easy to combine with a variety of interior styles.
Product code: P00317Shipping and Payment
235,86 £
This model fits easily in differently designed spaces thanks to its main charasteristics, simplicity and straight lines. You can decorate the Cubo pouf with buttons covered in the same material as the pouf. The cubic shape and harmonious dimensions make this article easy to combine with a variety of interior styles.
Product code: P00317Shipping and Payment
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ATLAS nabízí širokou škálu kolekcí sedacího nábytku, který vzniká ve spolupráci s vlastním týmem designérů spolu s italskými a francouzskými odborníky. Každý produkt je pečlivě tvarován šikovnýma rukama řemeslníků, kteří věnují pozornost každému detailu.