Tabouret Jerry
Tabouret Jerry
The small-size pouf that attracts with a simple and versatile look. Made in bright, bold colors the Jerry pouf will complement your space and give it a special look. The catchy design is credited for the fact that can easily fit into both residential and bussines spaces.
Product code: P00319Shipping and Payment
208,64 £
The small-size pouf that attracts with a simple and versatile look. Made in bright, bold colors the Jerry pouf will complement your space and give it a special look. The catchy design is credited for the fact that can easily fit into both residential and bussines spaces.
Product code: P00319Shipping and Payment
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ATLAS nabízí širokou škálu kolekcí sedacího nábytku, který vzniká ve spolupráci s vlastním týmem designérů spolu s italskými a francouzskými odborníky. Každý produkt je pečlivě tvarován šikovnýma rukama řemeslníků, kteří věnují pozornost každému detailu.